Monday, April 4, 2011


I started contest 2 of Body For Life yesterday. Have eaten clean and exercised hard. Having a little bit of sugar withdrawls and want a piece of that zucchini bread I made for my family tonight. But not having it. No siree...I want to be a size 6 more.

I will be posting stats soon. I gained just like I suspected over my 2 week binge. Back on the horse and riding fast!!!! I will be there June 28th!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I found this quote....

on a blog of a man that does BFL. I love the quote!!! I am putting it where I can see it daily.

"I am not a quitter, regardless of how many times I stumble." - Bonwitty

I'm back!

I had an injury to my back that left me out of the gym for 2 weeks. Then I exercised and tried to eat right but I fell off the wagon.

I am jumping back on this Sunday the 3rd. FULL FORCE. I have 3 goals that I will reach by the end of June.

1. I will go to the gym 6 days a week and will work my HARDEST.
2. I will eat clean the BFL way 6 days a week for 12 weeks.
3. I will be leaner and stronger and smaller in 12 weeks. Goal is 2 sizes smaller.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Feeling better

My back is still sore but I am doing my normal daily activities. I am going to try the elliptical machine today for cardio since it is non-jarring and shouldn't put much pressure on my discs. I am afraid to try lifting but will tomorrow and see how it goes.

I have reaffirmed my commitment to losing weight and have changed up my diet starting yesterday. I am determined to lose 20 lbs in the next 3 months.

Friday, March 11, 2011

And after vacation...

I have herniated my disc again in my back. Grr.

I worked out on vacation so that I would not lose a week of muscle and endurance. The FIRST day back at the gym I did a seated oblique machine and twisted, and pulled my disc. Damn it.

I haven't exercised since Tuesday. I was flat on my back all day Wednesday and wore my back brace yesterday but was at least walking around. Today I feel a little worse than yesterday so I will try and not strain too hard.

Damn it.

Went on vacation....

Mexico was fabulous!!! Warm weather, relaxation, good exercise OUTSIDE and at their gym. Played in the water and spent time with my husband and children. It was MUCH needed. Loved it.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fine Line

I have been completely submerged into the BFL program for a while now. It is on my mind ALL THE TIME. Wanting to lose the extra pounds is a constant thought.

I guess I vocalize those thoughts too often. My little 5 year old girl has begun to comment on how she needs to exercise more and asked if she is fat. All my girls are very thin except her. She is a built a little bigger than the rest but is by no means fat. Her face is very round with cute squishy cheeks and it makes her appear larger than she is. It breaks my heart to have her question her self image. She has been asking if things have too much sugar in them and commenting that she should have an apple instead of this or that. We eat very healthy 90% of the time. I allow my children sugary snacks sometimes.

I think I need to keep my thoughts to myself and not talk about it. The reasons for doing this is #1: To be healthy, live long and feel good and #2: To be a healthy example to my girls. Yes I am trying to live healthier but vocalizing it so much is not healthy for my girls. REALITY CHECK.